La venganza es un plato que se come frío. La estrategia de descalificación del cuestionado ministro Glenbert Croes no tendrá ningún efecto a su favor. Por el contrario desencadenará con mayor rapidez los acontecimientos y quedará totalmente al descubierto y expuesto.
Croes maniobra y opera a espaldas de la Primera Ministra Evelyn Wever-Croes, a quien traiciona y teje un complot en su contra con fines estrictamente mercantiles, para beneficio propio y de sus socios y cómplices.
Le recomendamos a Evelyn dudar incluso de la temida Seguridad Nacional, ya que inexplicable y sospechosamente no le ha advertido al respecto y hasta le sugerimos acudir a los servicios del oficial de la Fuerza Policial de Aruba – venido a menos- Inosencio Matos, para que investigue a fondo y confirme lo que nosotros hemos denunciado.
Días atrás retamos a Glenbert e incluso dijimos que publicaríamos copia del memorando de entendimiento que suscribió con su firma y envió a un grupo de empresarios vinculados a la rusa ROSNEFT, PDVSA, REPSOL e inversionistas de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos y como era de esperarse no se dio por aludido.
Hoy damos otro paso adelante y anunciamos nuevas revelaciones contra el ministro Croes que lo dejan seriamente comprometido y cuestionado, lo que podría dar pie incluso a su renuncia. Tenemos en nuestro poder conversaciones de WhatsApp, registros migratorios, registros de llamadas telefónicas y plenamente identificado el círculo de cómplices a los que pretende entregar la Refinería Valero, encabezado por un gerente de ROSNEFT en Venezuela.
English edition
By the mouth dies the fish
Revenge is a dish that is eaten cold. The disqualification strategy of the questioned minister Glenbert Croes will not have any effect in his favor. On the contrary, he will unleash events more quickly and will be totally exposed and exposed.
Croes maneuvers and operates behind the back of Prime Minister Evelyn Wever-Croes, whom he betrays and weaves a plot against her for strictly commercial purposes, for his own benefit and that of her partners and accomplices.
We recommend Evelyn to doubt even the dreaded National Security, since inexplicably and suspiciously it has not warned her about it and we even suggest she go to the services of the Aruban Police Force officer – come to less- Inosencio Matos, to investigate thoroughly and confirm what we have denounced.
A few days ago we challenged Glenbert and even said that we would publish a copy of the memorandum of understanding that he signed with his firm and sent to a group of businessmen linked to Russia’s ROSNEFT, PDVSA, REPSOL and investors from the United Arab Emirates, and as expected, no took for granted
Today we take another step forward and announce new revelations against Minister Croes that leave him seriously compromised and questioned, which could even lead to his resignation. We have in our possession WhatsApp conversations, immigration records, telephone call records and fully identified the circle of accomplices to whom the Valero Refinery intends to hand over, headed by a ROSNEFT manager in Venezuela.