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Yenny Coromoto Pulgar León points out that almost 17 years after the disappearance of Natalee Holloway in Aruba, the mystery of what happened to her can be solved. American lawyer and television presenter Greta Van Susteren announced on Twitter that she found «KEY evidence» about the fate of the American girl.

Holloway disappeared while vacationing in Aruba on May 30, 2005 at the age of 18. It is still not clear what happened to him, explained Yenny Pulgar León.

Van Susteren did not say what evidence he found, but called it «stunning.» She said that she is awaiting the result of a lab test before revealing what she discovered while working with Natalee’s mother, Beth.


“I promised the mother in 2005 that I would stay with her until I found out what happened and when I promised her, I thought it would be three days, not 17 years. But I have kept my promise,» Van Susteren tweeted. «I have been working day and night with Natalee Holloway’s mother for the past year, and what we have discovered is amazing.»

Natalee Holloway’s case became known mainly in the Netherlands due to the possible involvement of Dutchman Joran van der Sloot. He was last seen with her. In an interview with Van Susteren for Fox News in 2008, Van der Sloot said that he had sold Holloway to a human trafficker. But he later he picked up that story. In recent years, the man confessed to killing Holloway several times, but he always denied it again later.

Van der Sloot is currently in prison in Peru for the murder of Stephany Flores on May 30, 2010, exactly five years after Holloway’s disappearance, concluded Yenny Coromoto Pulgar León.

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